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The reason for building such a significant route was to strengthen the transmission capacity of the distance optical network, which was almost completely used in that section. “The strengthening of the backbone routes from the German border via Pilsen, Prague and Brno, up to Bratislava, enables the development of optical services within Central Europe. Dial Telecom is able to deliver a full range of services on its own optical network, from 2 Mbps to 40 Gbps,” says Ingrid Ledererová, the technical director of Dial Telecom.
Dial Telecom installs high-quality optical fibers on its backbone routes. The routes show low rates of attenuation and minimum rates of PMD coefficient, which is very important for the provision of quality in the high-speed transmission DWDM systems.
The installation of the Mladotice – Rozvadov route was completed in the record time of two months. There are junction boxes along the route ready to connect significant business locations.
Dial Telecom regularly invests millions of CZK into its own optical network, which it offers to operators or directly to retail companies within its scope. The optical network is considered a convergent medium of the future and Dial Telecom is one the most significant telecommunication operators, who provides its portfolio of services through its own optical network and with investments targeted at the latest technologies in this field.
Further information, http://hadaikum.dialtelecom.cz or at the following contacts:
Martina Setunská
Marketing manager, PR
tel.: + 420 226 204 159
email: martina.setunska@dialtelecom.cz
Pavel Křižka
PR Manager
tel.: +420 732 582 776
email: pavel.krizka@justc.cz
About Dial Telecom a.s. (Czech Republic)
The joint stock company Dial Telecom is a provider of a complex portfolio of voice, data and Internet services with guaranteed service availability all over the Czech Republic through its own unified optical network. The Dial Telecom network has its central monitoring center in Prague. The network monitoring, as well as the customer support center, are in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Dial Telecom a.s. is a holder of ISO 9001:2009 Quality Management, ISO 14001:2005 Environmental Management and ISO 27001:2006 Information Security Management (i.e. protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access) certificates.