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The permium line service can be activated independently of other services. With this service, we offer a wide options of settings. You can port your number from the existing service provider or chooce a completely new number which will be easy for customers to remember.
The 900 LINE allows the use of a number with a special charge rate to provide information and entertainment services or adult entertainment services where the caller pays a defined price per call. The caller pays the defined price, ranging from CZK 4 to 95 per minute, including VAT, from which you will receive a share from the billed operation. The service uses numbers from the 900, 906, 908 and 909 ranges. Line 900 is routed to a telephone number or multiple numbers, as designated by the customer. The target telephone number can be in the network of any operator in the Czech Republic or abroad.
The 900 INTERNATIONAL LINE enables you to use a number with an increased charge rate. Dial Telecom also offers 900 numbers that can be reached from neighbouring countries. The service can be activated, for example, from Slovakia and Germany, where the caller will pay only up to €3 per minute for the call, or from Poland, where the top price is PLN 7.69 per minute.
PREMIUM SMS enables paying for services and goods through a mobile telephone account. The standard price for this service ranges from CZK 4 up to 99 per SMS, from which you will receive a share from the billed operation. The amount of your commission differs according to the type of service provided; it is higher in the case of so-called ”publicly beneficial“ activities, e.g. SMS public transportation tickets, parking fees, insurance payments, sales of tickets.