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The Dial Telecom Group is continuing with its long-term business and acquisition strategy and is continually strengthening its position on the telecommunication market in the Czech Republic. MAXPROGRES telco s.r.o became a new daughter company of Dial Telecom a.s.. The entire business share was transferred to Dial Telecom a.s., which became the sole owner of the company. The transaction is to be registered into the Business Register in a few days.
MAXPROGRES telco s.r.o. provides a complete portfolio of telecommunication services, such as construction of optical routes and the lease of optical fibers, data and voice services, hosting and ICT services for wholesale partners, business customers, as well as private homes.
”This acquisition should primarily help to increase the share of Dial Telecom a.s. in the provision of telecommunication services in Czech regions and towns with populations over 10,000. Apart from a high-quality portfolio of clients and services, we have gained a complete optical network of over 500 kilometers in length,” said Aleš Zeman, the Vice Chairman of the Dial Telecom Board.
Maxprogres divided before the acquisition
On 1 October, 2013, Telekomunikační služby (telecommunication services), a division of the company MAXPROGRES s.r.o., broke off from the company. This division became a separate company under the name MAXPROGRES telco s.r.o., which took over the telecommunication activities of the company, including the optical metropolitan networks and technological background.
Further information, http://hadaikum.dialtelecom.cz or at the following contacts:
Martina Setunská
Marketing manager, PR
tel.: + 420 226 204 159
email: martina.setunska@dialtelecom.cz
Pavel Křižka
PR Manager
tel.: +420 732 582 776
email: pavel.krizka@justc.cz
About Dial Telecom a.s. (Czech Republic)
The joint stock company Dial Telecom is a provider of a complex portfolio of voice, data and Internet services with guaranteed service availability all over the Czech Republic through its own unified optical network. The Dial Telecom network has its central monitoring center in Prague. The network monitoring, as well as the customer support center, are in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Dial Telecom a.s. is a holder of ISO 9001:2009 Quality Management, ISO 14001:2005 Environmental Management and ISO 27001:2006 Information Security Management (i.e. protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access) certificates.
About MAXPROGRES telco s.r.o.
MAXPROGRES telco s.r.o. is a provider of telecommunication services, 99% on its own optical network with a 99.9% guaranteed SLA. Currently, the telecommunication services are provided all over the Czech Republic, with business and technical representations in Prague, Brno, Pilsen, Ostrava, Hradec Králové, Boskovice, Jihlava and Hodonín. The fixed connection of customers through an optical cable, exclusively and safely underground, enables high speed and any transmission capacity of data and voice connection, as well as simplicity and savings on both operational and investment costs.
With respect to its dynamic development, technological background and team of professionals, the company has become ranked among the significant providers of electronic communication services in the Czech Republic. MAXPROGRES telco provides its customers with a 24-hour service through its own monitoring center, service workers and operators in a 24/7/365 regime. You can find more information at http://www.99maxprogres.cz .