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The PROFI INTERNET service is a permanent Internet connection. It is a complex service that includes installation, access line and the customer premise equipment, and the Internet connectivity.
To provide the connection, Dial Telecom uses optical connections, microwave links (licensed dedicated band and non-licensed bands) or leased telecomunication lines. Dial Telecom employees choose the suitable connection technology of the end point after careful consideration with respect to availability at the location and demanded capacity.
To optimally solve your Internet connection needs, the PROFI INTERNET service has many alternatives from which you may choose, differing from each other mainly by the line capacity.
The PROFI INTERNET service is delivered using an optical network or wireless technology working in the licensed or non-licensed band. Dial Telecom is connected within its backbone network by several highcapacity backed-up connections to internet exchanges of both the Czech and international Internet.
Thanks to its flexibility, and with its extent and quality, this service is designed for all large, medium, as well as small companies who have high demands for connection speed, quality and availability using the latest technologies.